
HawkPC Program

The HawkPC Program is available only to University of Hartford Faculty and Staff for institutional use.

Our student-staffed department is responsible for delivering new computers to faculty and staff. Delivery appointments are strongly encouraged.

Please review this website before ordering a computer as our prices, models, and options change from time to time.

If you have any questions regarding HawkPC computers or wish to purchase a new HawkPC computer, please visit the Helpdesk page and sign in with your University credentials to begin an order.

HawkPC will:
  • Install/setup a new Hawk PC/Mac with new peripherals (provided appropriate drivers are still available and it is compatible with the computer).
  • Install/setup new peripherals with existing computers only if they are compatible with your current system configuration.
  • Install any properly-licensed, work-related software (if current system configuration is compatible).
  • Reformat a PC/Mac to ITS' default configuration when appropriate or necessary.

Support Services

Ordering Software

Please use the ordering form and the “Custom” field to request software that is not listed.

Prohibited Software

There should not be non-work-related software on University computers. ITS reserves the right to remove these, and others in this category, from the offending computer. This includes, but is not limited to freeware antivirus programs, file-sharing (peer-to-peer) programs, torrent software, and unsupported browser extensions.

Supported Hardware

PC/Mac Desktops and Laptops: ITS provides hardware repairs during the warranty period. ITS will help facilitate the acquisition of parts (the cost of parts is paid by the department).

Non-University PC/Mac: ITS does not provide warranty or non-warranty diagnoses or repair assistance. Will provide vendor referral contact information, if known, for departments to facilitate repair.

Peripherals: ITS will provide warranty support on items purchased through the Hawk PC program. Peripherals acquired through other means than ITS are the responsibility of the department/employee to contact the vendor for support and facilitate warranty/non-warranty repairs/replacements.

Hardware Disposal

If you are disposing of your old computer, please complete the University Property/ Asset Disposal & Transfer (PDF) Form and send it to Procurement. ITS will come to remove your disposal items after Procurement has signed the form.

We do not dispose of copy machines, large printers or other antiquated technology. Please contact Facilities to dispose of these items.

Send this form to Procurement when the item is ready to be picked up.

Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) Form

This form is available at the Helpdesk, but can also be downloaded and filled out here.

IDT Requirements

  • Please be sure to fill out all sections of this IDT, otherwise, it will be returned.
  • Please be sure that you have sufficient funds in your account.  IDTs will be returned if your budget comes up as NSF (non-sufficient funds).
  • Computer and peripheral prices change from time to time, so please be sure to use the figures on the order form at
  • You must use this ITS-specific IDT.  The standard UHart IDT will be returned if used.
  • Unless you are ordering a custom PC, you do not need to include the description or specifications of the PC in the IDT. Just indicate what computer you would like.
  • If purchasing software, please specify if it is for Mac or PC
  • Do not send IDT to Accounting.

Please note: HawkPC orders will not be placed until the transfer of funds is complete.

Technology Price List

Recent supply chain issues have put a strain on everyone, including our technology vendors. This has caused prices to change in relation to the available supply. HawkPC will make it a priority to maintain an accurate price list. View pricing here and sign in with your University of Hartford email username (without the and password. For pricing for items not found on this list, please contact Aaron Truskoski at